Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Can Do Anything Good

So I know I should be studying for the big combined exam we have on Monday, but I just came across the MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER SEEN (possible overstatement).

After watching this video (twice in the last 5 minutes), I truly feel that I can do anything good... like pass my exam(s) on Monday.

Thanks to S for posting this!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

In Class: Printing

You guys. I have to bitch about something: I effing hate printing stuff out for med school. And I have to do it daily. For no reason at all, it is the most stressful thing EVER.

Actually, that's a lie. There are plenty of reasons why it's stressful. First of all, there are only 3 working computers in the Medical Education Building where we do our printing. WTF?! So first off, you have to hope to get a computer to even start the printing process. Lame.

Once you finally go through like 4 windows on Internet Explorer (because for whatever reason, Merlin doesn't pop up first thing) and FINALLY print out the powerpoint/core notes/whatever, you have to walk out of the room to check the printer to see if everything came out okay. Usually, there's some form of drama like a paper jam or "the stapler is broken and everything has been canceled." Or my favorite from the other day: someone decided to print a 100+ page PDF cookbook that paused for 30 seconds between each page. Really?!

You can't even claim victory over the printing process once your stuff has come out. Well, first you have you find what you printed. You may think this would be easy since most things come with labeled cover pages, but it is still surprisingly difficult with the volume of printing going on in MedEd. Plus people steal stuff (A message to you, whoever you are: I will find you and hunt you down and you'll be sorry!! Okay, probably not, but still. It's not cool).

When FINALLY you get your printouts, there's always a chance of discovering a mistaken formatting error. Like accidently printing 1 slide per page of a 78 slide powerpoint presentation. Or worse: printing 24 slides per page (so, so tiny). Oh the agony you go through when this happens! You've come so far only to find that rather than a nice printout of a powerpoint presentation (I personally prefer 4 slides/page), you have papers covered with microscopic text about who knows what. Time to return to the computers to start the process again!

Oh, and usually, we're all crunched for time because this is all taking place during our 5 minute break between classes and we couldn't print before because the professor just posted his slides. TOTAL STRESS! Just the other day, I saw a classmate freak out in frustration, yelling and kicking at the printer. Like actually kicking the machine. To some, this may seem like the act of a stressed out med student, but honestly, anyone would snap if they had to deal with that printer on a daily basis. Or ever.