Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hooked Up.

I have a problem and it's kind of weird and random: I am constantly getting hooked up with free coffee.

"WTF?!" you may scoff, "Wow, J, you lead such a difficult life full of challenges!"

But seriously, getting hooked up with free coffee is a big problem for me. And it happens all the time. Here's the thing: if I wanted a cup of caffeinated drink the size of my head, I would have ordered one. I am not ordering a small or a medium because I'm too cheap to order the large! I am ordering that size because that is the volume of beverage I would like to consume.

Of course, if someone hooks me up with a Big-Gulp size of iced coffee, I'm going to drink it. And then I'm going to be sick. This is no exaggeration. Once, I ordered an Iced Dunkaccino from Dunkin' Donuts (a mistake in and of itself - too much sugar!) and the guy hooked me up with a giant size. Several hours (and, admittedly, some munchkins) later, I puked at my sister's graduation dinner. Actually, it wasn't quite at the dinner; I managed to run outside and puke on the side of the building instead. Bottom line: that damn giant Dunkaccino made me sick!!

Last week, the guys at Starbiz gave me a large (or, excuse me, Venti? I wouldn't even know, because I never order that size) iced coffee. It took me like 3 hours to finish it and I ended up walking into a biochem review session twitching from caffeine overload.

And today, I got the biggest hookup of them all! At the Bean, I ordered a medium iced tea. In case any of you are wondering (and I know you were), my order is half Swedish Berries and half Japanese Cherry or Strawberry Cream Green Tea. This drink is BOMB (that's right, I said it was bomb. In 2009. I'm bringing "bomb" back). It also makes you feel special because it's like a secret combo or something... kind of like ordering "animal style" from In-N-Out.

Anyway, I ordered a medium and the guy makes me a large. Totally not surprising to me given my tendency to get hooked up with these things. Then, he full-on pours ANOTHER drink, looks me in the eye and goes, "Whoops! I made two! Do you want the other one, too?" Are you kidding me?! I ended up turning him down, which was kind of tough since he put up a fight. But seriously, I don't think I could have physically fit that much liquid in my body. And I was really only ordering a drink to be polite about setting up camp and studying there for a while; I wasn't even thirsty!

So here's my point: Even though it seems like it would be super sweet to constantly be given extra caffeinated drinks for free, it really is a burden and often leads to me puking on the side of a building (and by "often," I mean, once). It also makes me wonder why I'm getting these hookups. Do I look super tired (euphemism for crappy) and in need of caffeine? Or is it that I'm just so unbelievably cute and nice that people (it's always boy baristas, now that I think of it) can't help but want to hook me up? I'd like to think it's the latter. Sadly, it's probably the former.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Say Anything

Last night I watched Say Anything:

1. Say Anything might be my favorite '80s teen movie.
a. My other favorite '80s teen movie is Sixteen Candles.
i. Molly Ringwald may or may not be a natural redhead, but she rocked the ginger look for a while, so I've always liked her.
b. Breakfast Club is good, too.

2. John Cusack was super cute in 1989.
a. I totally would have made out with him.
b. Unfortunately, he did not age very well.
i. Still love him, though.

3. Loved loved LOVED the late '80s style!
a. Fluffy hair, yes please!
i. My hair was born for that look.
b. Hey John Cusack, nice trench coat.

4. Kickboxing IS the sport of the future.

5. This movie made me wish I were dating a boy like Lloyd Dobler. Or any boy.
a. Could someone please make out with me?
i. I am pathetic.

6. The scene where Lloyd stands outside of Diane's window, holding a boombox over his head, playing their "song" is kind of overrated.
a. Also overrated is The Usual Suspects, which we watched before Say Anything.
i. "Oooh! Who is Keyser Soze?" Turns out once you know, the movie is pretty boring.
7. I've been working on an outline on Amino Acid Metabolism all night and I've become a little too attached to outline format.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I started med school, you guys! So far, my life has been filled with dramatic changes. For example, I recently changed my igoogle theme from "farm animals" to "radiohead." I also changed my gmail theme from "candy" to "ninjas." This last one has been life-changing. Remember how much I used to love those cutesy little cartoon girls eating their cutesy candies? Well, the new med student version of me is way too hardcore to put up with such saccharine google themes. "Ninjas" is much better suited for my new lifestyle. Now, every time I log onto email (which is, admittedly, significantly less often than I used to), I see cutesy cartoon ninjas kickin' ass all over my emails. Kickin' ass just like I am in med school!*

Another fairly significant change in my life is that I study all the time. And it's not just me. Everyone around me is studying pretty much always. I've actually never heard of so much studying before. It's pretty much all that everyone ever talks about.

For example: It's Friday afternoon and everyone is going his/her separate way (i.e. to his/her respective study group). In parting, this conversation can frequently be overheard (I will color coordinate the speakers to avoid confusion):
"Hey! Whatcha gonna do this weekend? Study?!"
"Yeah, I'm pretty much going to study all weekend."
"Me too, I have so much to do. There is just SO MUCH material. I just really need to study it all."
"Well, if you want, maybe we can study together later."
"Yeah, sounds good... maybe after I study this a little on my own first."
"Okay, well see you later! Good luck with your studying!"

WTF?! Are you kidding me?! Studying should never be the subject of conversation for longer than, let's say... um... EVER! Hopefully we'll develop personalities and start talking about important/interesting things. Like who is going to hook up at this weekend's student-faculty retreat.

*Just to clarify, my school is pass/fail and intent on fostering a non-competitive and cooperative learning environment; we are learning to be "good friends," in the words of the head of the Biochemistry department. So, when I say I'm "kickin' ass," I mean, I'm kickin' biochemistry's ass. And by "kickin' biochemistry's ass," I mean, I just want to pass.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Eurotrip 2009 pics

Hey! Remember when I went to Europe a couple months ago? Yeah, me neither. But then I found these pictures and it all came back to me:

Yeah, I know it's been way too long since this trip to post these pictures... but, um... at least they're geotagged?