Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A New Low

Today I've hit a new low. As I was pipetting away in the lab, T, our lab manager/mom came over and patted my tummy saying, "Your stomach is big today!" OMG. I know I've put on a "winter coat" over the past couple of months, but really? Has it gotten so bad?

I blame this on New Orleans. At the beginning of December, I went to New Orleans with some lab people for a Tropical Medicine conference. And we ate like obese people. And it was amazing. Until I got home. Now I have to deal with tummy pats from T and workouts that make me feel like a contestant on the biggest loser (aka fattest fatties).

Wow, this post is boring. Sorry - I can barely move from the food coma induced by my dinner at Chinese Buffet. Which, btw, had a full bucket of MSG (literally labeled "MSG") out on the buffet line. AMAZING. Of course I tasted some. Who doesn't love umami flavor?! In a vat. Labeled MSG.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you would be the last person I would call fat......
