Sunday, March 20, 2011

Important Message

I know. It's been a while. And I have SO MUCH to share with you guys (like how I moved to Seal Beach and I have a hot neighbor who only wears a shirt like 10% of the time). Seriously. More on this later (Maybe. That might actually be the whole story).

The thing is, I'm finishing up my second year of med school and I'm super swamped with studying. Like I've literally spent 12 hours studying today (this is taking out break time) and I'm probably going to squeeze in another 2 or 3 before heading off to sleep. LAME!! You guys, I've been studying so much that my muscles are actually cramping from inactivity (omg, DVT, anybody?!).

But that's not the reason why I'm writing this. I need to share something with you all: Ke$ha's new "Blow" video.

I saw a link to this video a few weeks ago on my favorite time-wasting blog, Go Fug Yourself and I thought it was pretty funny/great. I mean, it has unicorns. And James Van Der Beek. Little did I know that that was only the beginning of the awesomeness of this video.

You guys. This video has revolutionized this Ke$ha song for me. Honestly, I thought it was kind of annoying at first (okay, maybe it still is). But NOW! Now I imagine this video every time I hear the song (I've been doing a lot of commuting lately and I can only handle so much Goljan). And it is AMAZING.

Um. That's all. Gotta go look at some First Aid now.

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