For example, med school forced me to see the 12:30 am showing of The Twilight Saga: New Moon last night. I was like, "I don't know, med school... that doesn't seem like the responsible thing to do." And then med school was like, "Um, yes it is. Trust me, you will not regret it. Good doctors go to see midnight showings of teeny bopper movies on opening night all the time! In fact, it is a prerequisite to becoming a good doctor." So I gave in and went to the movie.*
And it was AWESOME!!!! I was literally giddy while we were waiting in line before the movie. I skipped into the theater with glee! When Edward appeared, I squealed with delight. When Jacob took off his shirt for the first time (and then pretty much kept it off for the rest of the movie), I swooned. The sexual tension was delicious. Vampires and werewolves have never been so hot. So what if I didn't get home until 3:30 in the morning and I had class at 10? Who cares if I've been shaky and weak (and mildly retarded) all day from lack of sleep? It was TOTALLY WORTH IT.

I'm sure you're dying to know if I'm on Team Jacob or Team Edward. I'm not going to lie: after last night's feast for the eyes, I'm tempted to join Team Jacob (Taylor Lautner is HOT... so what if he's 17?). But being the Twilight fan that I am (and having read the books), I'm going to stick with Team Edward for now. But let's be honest, if this contest were based on who looks better shirtless (which might actually be the case), Taylor wins hands down - sorry Rob!
In case you got bogged down with the details of New Moon (or totally turned on by the pictures of young men with their shirts off), here is a summary of what I'm trying to say:
1) Med school is busy. Sorry for not blogging more often.
2) Even though I'm dangerously close to the "bitter years" of being 27, I saw New Moon on opening night.
3) I enjoy watching teenage boys pretend to be vampires and werewolves, especially when they are barely clothed.
*Okay, truth be told, med school did NOT convince me to see New Moon. It was my idea. And then I convinced 11 other med students to join me.