Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Dear Facebook,

I love you, but you kind of kill me sometimes. Okay, it might not be you; it could be me. You see, this is what happens: Sometimes I get excited and comment on or "like" another person's wall post or status update or picture or whatever. And then, like forty other people also decide they need to comment and then fb feels the need to send a message to my phone every single time.

I know what you're going to say, fb. You're going to say, "Change your settings and this problem could easily be avoided." The thing is, sometimes it's good to be in the know. Have you ever come across an untagged pic of you with an entire conversation about you by your friends? Or happened across a Wall-to-Wall with you as the main subject? It's... uncomfortable. And creepy.

So what I'm saying is: Generally, I like knowing what's going on on fb, but I kind of hate it when I get a bunch of messages on my phone about randoms responding to my comment/picture/post/whatever.

Okay, maybe what I'm really saying is: Who knew that every time my mom updates her status (and yes, this does actually happen) every single one of her friends feels the need to comment on it? None of my friends do that...


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Boat Parade!!!!

You guys!!! I went to the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade tonight and it was BOMB. Seriously. I'm pretty jazzed... STILL (the parade was like 4 hours ago).

There's something about cheesy events/activities that really gets me excited. People went all out on their boats at this parade. One boat had live singers. Another had a big movie spotlight thingy (technical term). There was even a waterskiing reindeer! The boats are so over-the-top it put a huge smile on my face.
And NOW, 4 hours later, I'm having a dance party to Madonna alone in my room. (And yes, I interrupted the dance party to write this post... and yes, Madonna is still playing). That's how good this parade was.