Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Celebration: the End of Movember

November 30 marks a glorious day: the end of Movember. 

For those of you who don't know what Movember is (my mom), here is the description from the official Movember website, "During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in the US and around the world. With their Mo’s, these men raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men."

You guys, I effing hate Movember. Sorry, "men's health," but moustaches are gross and make almost any guy look creepy.  Yet, for some reason, guys LOVE Movember. It's like finally they have an excuse to grow out their facial hair and style it in "fancy" ways (and by "fancy" I mean like a child molester) and then take ridiculous pictures of themselves "being men." 

My favorite is how by the end of the month, even the boys are sick of their Mo's. Yet they still "tough it out" and keep them 'til the end, even though I'm pretty sure a lot of them barely even did any fundraising.* So really, they're just doing it for "awareness," which is kinda good, I guess.  But remember when girls were posting their bra colors of fb for "breast cancer awareness?" That was dumb.  Okay, now I'm just sounding like a bitch.  I know: Movember is not the same as posting bra colors on fb.

But back to Movember.  I guess prostate cancer is a "good cause" (and I'm pretty sure you can still donate if you're interested, even though the month is over, hallelujah) and Movember is a fun idea.  It's just that moustaches are so gross.

Boys, seriously.  Nobody wants to make out with you when your face looks like that.

*This reminds me a lot of how my little sister used to scream, "Stop it! I love it!" when she was being tickled as a child.  It also reminds me of how my mom complains about decorating for Christmas every year and then willingly transforms her entire home into Santa's workshop extravaganza, loving every minute of it.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Scary Voice

I know. It's been a while. And no, it's not because I was on my surgery rotation or a little sicky or hanging out with my cats (these things are all true). It's because I needed an issue that I am pretty fired up about to inspire me to blog.

Well, my friends, I've found one: I effing hate commercials on the radio that use scary voices. I pretty much dread the month of October, because all you hear on the radio are commercials for various haunted houses, mazes, or theme parks. The Scary Voices they use pretty much make me feel sick to my stomach. Every time I hear them. Even the fairly benign Halloween Time at Disneyland commercial kind of grosses me out. For those of you who don't really know what I'm talking about (which, I pretty much think is impossible, since these commercials play non-stop on the radio during the month of October, but anyway), here is the audio for the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland, which uses the same creepy voice.

You guys! I love the Haunted Mansion! It's one of my favorite rides at Disneyland (I'm actually listening to the audio now, and while the Voice creeps me out, I pretty much have the entire ride memorized). But that voice!! Without the context of being on the ride, it really gets under my skin. As do all of those gross commercials for various spooky Halloween activities.

"Hey, J!" You may be thinking, "Way to be timely with this post, since it's mid-November and Halloween was several weeks ago!" I know, you guys. I'm so on top of the issues!

Here's the thing: I was so excited that Halloween was over and I didn't have to listen to that Voice for a whole year, until KROQ announced this year's line-up for Almost Acoustic Christmas and the Voice reappeared.

Are you effing kidding me, KROQ?! I get that you are trying to be all "hardcore" and "rock station-y" but Christmas is no time for that Voice! How dare you.