Snuggly Baby E |
What doesn't help the situation is that a bunch of my friends are popping out babies (On purpose! Are we really that old?). Now, every time I log onto facebook, I'm reminded of this fact due to a news feed filled with constant updates about how "Johnny keeps wetting his pants," and "Anyone know how to help colic?" and "OMG, look at all of these diaper covers, how cute!" I mostly hate these updates (I don't care about Johnny's potty training progress). But they do keep babies on my mind at all times (or at least whenever I check fb).
Regardless of my feelings about babies and their fb presence, there is one kind of update I love: pictures. I love it when my friends post pics of there cute (or even just so-so looking) babies. Weirdly, I can't get enough of it.
Baby E being his usual cute self. |
The other day, I texted H to let her know that I'm creepily obsessed with her kid. Her response was, "It's okay, so am I!" To which I responded, "Um, you're supposed to be - you made him! I'm just a creeper." I must confess, I might have a little bit of a reason to be obsessed with Baby E; I helped him come out (I was there for his delivery and was lucky enough to help). But there's a big difference between helping deliver a baby and actually making one and I think H should be a little more weirded out than she is (I'm quickly turning into "Creepy Aunty J").
When I have a little ginger baby of my own, I won't let creepy "aunties" ogle pictures of my adorable child.*
*Who am I kidding? Yes I will. I already force people to look at pictures of my sweet, sweet cats (aaand, I've now sealed the deal on being "Creepy Aunty J").