Monday, December 29, 2008

Does anyone care about anyone's blog anyways?

I have a confession to make. I kind of hate the idea of blogging. I've resisted it for a while. "Resist" makes it sound like I was even tempted in the first place. I'm more of a journal person. Keep my thoughts to myself. Because honestly, who really cares what I have to say? Or anyone else? I mean, does anyone care about anyone else's blog anyways?

But then something amazing happened. Or not actually amazing, just... well, just boring. I was bored. It's winter break. Yeah, that's right, I'm 26 and on winter break (from grad school). And I'm bored. Like really bored. As in, so bored that I spent most of this past week trying to find something to do. I went into work... while everyone else is on vacation. I wrote my thank-you letters from Christmas immediately (aren't I super polite?). I cleaned my entire apartment (partly out of boredom, partly out of necessity). I tried to work out but got a debilitating calf-cramp (yeah, even my calf was so bored, it cramped up on me out of shock at doing an activity). Even the internet was boring to me. Until I came across some blogs.

That's when I realized that even though I think the idea of blogging is kind of lame, I LOVE reading other people's stupid blogs. I get sucked in, almost instantly. I've always been a bit of a stalker; I remember the day facebook began their newsfeeds and status updates with fondness and glee. And blogging just takes that to a new level!

So here it is, the first post of my new blog, "Look at me! Look at me!" For all of those people out there who are dying to know what is going on in my fabulously entertaining life/were surfing the web in boredom/are stalking me for some reason.

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