The NBA Playoffs are really cramping my style. Literally. As in I have a hard time deciding what to wear on a daily basis because I'm afraid of supporting the wrong team through my style choices. Let me lay it out for you:
1. I'm a Lakers fan (holla!). I can't say that I've been a fan since I was little (honestly, I didn't really get into basketball until high school). However, I have been a fan since around the turn of the century. I even went through college in New England as a Lakers fan - I was that kid updating in the computer lab while everyone else was trash talking the Lake Show. I even stuck with my Lakers during their dry spell a few years ago... seriously, I love them.
Also, since we're on the topic, I played bocce ball with Sasha at Knob Hill last summer!! He totally wanted to make out with me (umm, it's kind of the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me and I completely feel the need to share it with anyone who will listen. Okay, and the make out part may or may not have happened... but the bocci ball is true!). Sorry, back to the matter at hand.
2. The Celtics are my sworn enemy. I effing hate Boston sports teams, and the Celtics, with their whiny Paul Pierce, are little bitches. Okay, so that may be a little strong, but after four years of living in New England and then moving back to my beloved California, I can't help it. Everyone knows that the Lakers-Celtics rivalry is epic. Also, I am well aware that the Celtics are out of the playoffs, but it still affects me.

3. Now that I've moved back home, I live with uber sportsfan/Lakers-Nazi, Sis-T. She is the authority on all things Lakers Spirit. She is also the enforcer of all things Lakers Spirit. And she's kinda scary.
So here's my problem: As much as I love the Lakers and Lakers colors, I just don't have that much purple and gold! And I look really good in green. It's really tough for me to support my team as much as the Lakers-Nazi would like!! Plus, to make matters worse, I am tempted to wear green on a near-daily basis.
A couple of weeks ago, I even wore green to a Lakers playoffs game. "Shame on you!" Sis-T chided. In my defense, I didn't know we were going to the game when I left the house that morning. Luckily, I was wearing a yellow tank-top underneath and Sis-T had brought along a purple headband "just in case." Unfortunately, it was like 30 degrees in the Staples Center and I thought I was going to die of hypothermia (I stuck it out, though).
Basically, I live each day in fear of choosing the wrong colored outfit. Green is out; Sis-T will not tolerate any signs of Celtics support during the playoffs, even if they are no longer playing. Red was out for a little bit, because of the Rockets. Now, blue is out! On Monday, I was forced to change out of my blue-ish t-shirt into a Lakers shirt to watch the game at home.
Seriously, people. Pretty soon I won't be allowed to wear anything!! Except for purple and gold, which makes up approximately 2% of my wardrobe. Sweet.
I have a solution: for the next 10 days you should go around in body-paint!!