My biggest problem with pink eye is that I can't wear eye makeup. Here's the thing: I have blonde eyelashes and eyebrows and without eye makeup, I kind of look dead. Or sleepy or sickly... or pretty much anything but good. The morning I came down with the pink eye, I came into work with no eye makeup on. One of the high school students, VLu, commented (after I groaned about the pink eye), "Yeah, you look pretty bad. Like really tired." When I replied that actually, it's just because I'm not wearing mascara, she continued, "No, like your face looks really pale and..." "Seriously," I said. "It's because I'm not wearing eye makeup." The sad thing is that this kind of thing happens all the time. In fact, it happens every time I don't wear eye makeup.

Here is a picture of me without eye-makeup. See how bad I look?!? Actually, this picture is kind of like those fake diet adds where the before picture is particularly terrible and the after is with makeup and good lighting, etc. There's a lot going on here that probably isn't the best (lighting, angle, the frizzy hair and layer of dried sweat from spin class). But still, I think it illustrates my point.
Tomorrow I go in for my "final" eye check and hopefully I get the go-ahead to put on some eyeliner and mascara. It's been a full week; I don't know if I can take it any longer. Hopefully, I can finally go back to looking like a normal, darklashed, healthy person.
i feel like you get pink eye a lot. either that or maybe you SHOULD get pink eye a lot????? and congrats on the move!