The best thing EVER happened this past Saturday: Sis-T ate shrimp! So for the past 15 years(?) Sis-T's entire life(?) I don't even know, but for a long time, Sis-T has declared that she is allergic to shellfish. That's great, but none of us believed her because our mom is also allergic to shellfish (like legitimately allergic - her face swells up and stuff) and Sis-T wants to be just like our mom.
Anyway, we were sure this "allergy" was all in Sis-T's head. Sure, she had a mildly convincing "I get explosive diarrhea when I eat shellfish" argument. I mean, none of us questioned the explosive diarrhea part (and none of us will ever forget the time she almost pooped in her pants - which were actually mine - after tasting some "lobster-tainted butter"). But still, we hadn't ever actually seen her eat a shrimp and then have a reaction.

Until last Saturday! Every year after the Santa Barbara to King Harbor Race, there is a big party at our yacht club called the Shrimp Feed. Basically, you get a whole bunch of uber-delicious shrimp and beer and it's delightful. I pretty much look forward to it all year. And Sis-T pretty much complains about having to go every year.
Until now! For some reason, Sis-T's bf, J, and I decided to convince her that she should test her allergy and try some shrimp. I figured it was a long shot, because Sis-T doesn't eat any kind of fish except for canned tuna. I'm not sure if it was the 2 G&T's she had or what, but Sis-T went for it and she had the best reaction ever!! I think it went something like, "yumm yummm" while she licked her lips with joy. She actually liked it! She even wanted more! And then to top it off, she didn't get sick afterwards (HA! J and I know that she wanted to be sick so badly just to prove that she hadn't made up an allergy and then gotten people to believe her for like 15 years).
This breakthrough has opened up Sis-T's world. Think of all the delicious shrimp dishes she can eat now! J was beside himself with anticipation of all the shrimp meals in their future: "There's shrimp scampi and shrimp cocktail!" Sis-T's response was, "I've always wanted to try those mini shrimp. I like the looks of those." YES!
All this talk of shrimp reminds me of Quasimodo, my pet shrimp who died tragically about a year ago. I miss the little guy.

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