The class was about old people and their risk of falling and what that can mean for them and us. Not only was there a physician, a physical therapist, and an occupational therapist (who goes by "The Magnificent"), there were 5 adorable seniors there to share their experiences with us. You guys, I'm mostly interested in working with younger patient populations (specifically pregnant ladies and their fetuses/babies... can't get much younger than that!), but I have to say it: old people can be pretty darn cute.
But the old people were only a small part of why today's class was the best ever. The real reason was that we had the lecture in Tamkin, the first year lecture hall. You see, in med school, we sit in lecture for hours at a time and rather than changing classrooms for each class/topic, we stay put and the lecturers come to us. The first years have all of their classes in Tamkin, while the MS2s "graduate" to Nelson (at first, I thought this was a downgrade, but now I'm not so sure).
As creatures of habit, people established where in the auditorium they sat early on during first year. Since I know you're wondering, I was a left-side front person (There's a lot of Left Side pride in our class; we even made up a dance during last year's retreat... and then got everyone to do it again at this year's retreat). Where you sit in lecture is serious business and if someone ever changed things up and sat in your spot, it could throw off your whole day (I remember this happened once and I literally just stood there blankly for a few minutes, unable to respond appropriately).
Anyway, for whatever reason, when our whole class returned to Tamkin today there was an air of total excitement/joy. Everyone went to their old seats for "old time's sake" and we were all really happy about it. Like kind of weirdly/pathetically happy about it. Is this what our lives have become? Are we so deprived of fun times that the highlight of our day/week/month is a return to last year's lecture hall and sitting in our old seats?
I don't know. Actually, I don't even really care. All I know is that today I showed up to class expecting an average lecture about the "Functional Status Exam." Instead I got a lecture about falling with cute old people, hilarious student demos on falling and taking your sweaty socks off, and a functional reach competition. This was all taught to me by The Magnificent while I basked in the glory of sitting in my MS1 seat. Like I said before, BEST CLASS EVER.
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