As an alternative, I've joined a new gym which is like the most basic gym ever (so, umm... the opposite of FPG), but it's cheap and gets the job done (plus, I've joined a separate yoga studio to cover my yoga needs). The new gym is right by Leisure World, a giant retirement community, and so it is chock-full of old people! Which is weird. And cute. And weird.
I know. This is hilarious because I'm old. And now I go to Old Person Gym (OPG). Just keep the jokes coming. I can handle it (or maybe I'll just turn off my hearing aid?).
Anyway, something adorable happened at OPG this morning. I was working out on the elliptical, watching Good Morning America when they started a piece on the Official 2012 Calendar of Heroes: FDNY Firefighters. Out of nowhere, there were old ladies on the ellipticals next to me frantically trying to get their headphones plugged in. Every screen in OPG had been turned to the hot firefighters! As soon as the segment was over, they turned back to their books. One lady even got off the elliptical. So cute.
That just adds to the list of reasons to go into into geriatric I can treat my good friend Jackie.