Friday, December 16, 2011

Arts & Crafts

Killing it at Medieval Times
I'm on break, you guys!  FINALLY!  I haven't had a real vacation since May, so this is pretty exciting.  I'm about a week in and so far, I'm pretty much killing it at being on vacation.  So much relaxing happening here.  So much.

Ugh.  Who am I kidding? I'm super bored.  Within 48 hours of break, I had read a book, caught up on all my DVR'd shows, cleaned my house, went to the gym and 2 yoga classes, threw a birthday party, and hung out with my cats for kind of a weird amount of time. This week, I've helped my sister pick out a wedding dress, gotten a bikini wax, hitch-hiked to In-N-Out, gone to the Aquarium of Pacific, the dentist, AND Medieval Times.  Today, I was so bored that I literally ordered Showtime because regular TV couldn't even entertain me.

What is wrong with me?  Is it possible that I'm no longer capable of relaxing?  I knew things were getting bad when I started thinking about arts and crafts projects that I could do while on break.  You see, I'm pretty terrible at arts and crafts, mostly because I never finish the projects.  Here are a few of my top arts and crafts projects and how they turned out:
  • Seasonal greeting cards. Earlier this week, I thought, "I should make hand-made Christmas
    Possible Xmas card

    Cards!" And then I felt exhausted and quit before the project even began. I haven't even motivated to send out regular Christmas Cards. That I bought last year. In my defense, I had an awesome 2-year run of homemade valentines back in the "Good Old Days" before med school, so this Christmas card idea isn't that ridiculous.
  • Knitting. Technically, I've been "knitting" the same scarf and hat since 2000.  They made it through college with me (unfinished) and now sit in a brown paper bag in my closet at my parents' house.
  • Quilting.  Speaking of things chilling in my closet at my parents' house. Years ago, I decided I was going to sew a quilt.  I even bought the pattern and fabric - it was going to be a glorious pink and green quilt - and then I placed them in a bag in my closet and haven't looked back.
  • Friendship bracelets. You guys, I kind of destroyed at making friendship bracelets back in the day.  In fact, this might be one arts and crafts project that I actually consistently managed to complete (these were in high demand - as a camp counselor at Farm Camp, I had a lot of friends).*
OMG, you guys.  This whole never finishing art projects may be contagious... I can barely finish this post. But seriously, time for me to get back to relaxing.  Even writing this was exhausting.

*Recently, this skill has come in handy, since it turns out friendship bracelet knots are the same as surgical knots.  So yeah. Thanks to my extensive arts and crafts skills, I was pretty good at knot tying during my surgery clerkship.


  1. You seem to have forgotten that you also hung Christmas lights at my house...while I was asleep.

  2. I buy Christmas cards all the time. And never send them out. Merry Christmas Jackie!
