In response to my exciting news, an old boyfriend told me, "You've just solidified your chances of never meeting someone or having children." Yeah. Probably. But didn't I do that when I started med school at 26? (Answer: yes).
Anyway, meet Queen Elizabeth (the little orangey) and Prince Harry (the super beautiful white and orange one).

You guys, I'm kind in love with them! As a first-time cat parent, it's super fun to observe the little guys explore their new home/figure out the world around them. Here are some things that they seem to be obsessed with (and I mean obsessed... like they truly can't get enough of it):
- The refrigerator. Every time I open the fridge, they run to the edge and stare into it with wonder. "What is this giant thing that is super cold?" they must be thinking. Silly kitties. There's nothing exciting in there for you. Except for my food. Which I don't want to be contaminated by kitten.
- The broom. My cats are really into kicking their kitty-litter around, so I've been doing a lot of sweeping. Which they LOVE, because I'm pretty sure they consider the broom to be a giant toy and the pile of dirt/dust/litter an extension of that toy. So really, it's a vicious cycle; the more they kick out their litter, the more Broom they get to see/bat at. And the dirtier my apartment gets.
- Running water from the sink. I get it. This must be magical. I mean, I barely understand where the water is coming from (pipes? Honestly, I don't know). Whenever I run the sink in the bathroom, they climb up to the edge of the sink and just stare at the water while edging closer and closer to the stream. Pretty soon, they're going to fall in and be filled with regret.
- My bedroom. My bedroom is off-limits to kitties. They've quickly learned this and now have deemed it their life mission to get into my room every time I open the door.
- Stepping in their poop and tracking it around. Okay, they may not actually be obsessed with this but they do it All. The. Time. It happens so much that sometimes I call Prince Harry (he's usually the perpetrator) "Shit Paws." I thought cats were supposed to be clean! It's sick (Don't worry all potential visitors; I clean it up - all. the. time).
- Me! Finally. Someone who likes me for me. Yup, it's official: I'm now a crazy cat lady (goodbye forever, future plans of husband/kids).
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