Let's start with development. My first weeks of the pediatrics rotation were spent in a private clinic where I observed many Well Child Checks with many questions about development and milestones. At the time, my kittens were about 3 months old. In a 3 month-old child, we're not asking for a lot: socially, they may begin to develop a social smile or enjoy playing with other people and cry when playing stops; for language, they begin to babble or coo; for motor skills, they can raise their head and chest when lying on stomach.
When I first learned these milestones and then returned home to see my kittens racing around the house doing backflips I thought, are you kidding me?! My kittens dominate humans! You guys, my kittens are like hyperdeveloped!
Then, I looked online and it turns out that in "Cat Years" (if that even exists), a 3 month old cat is equal to a 4 year old kid. Developmentally, 4 year olds can do things like balance on one foot, catches a ball, and copies a cross. At 4 years of age, strangers should understand 100% of a child's speech. With this new information, I was crushed. My little babies are delayed! I mean, Lizzie doesn't even know how to meow yet - she really only makes a weird cooing sound (and she's now 4 months, which is like a 6 year old kid).
And then I remembered that I have cats. And not kids.
This isn't the only area of overlap. A couple of weeks ago, I had to take them in for their shots. Quick! What vaccinations do 3 month old kittens need? I (half) jokingly asked the nurse at the vet's office if I could get a yellow card to keep track of all their shots. She looked confused and then responded with "we'll send you a postcard."
I've also been concerned with Lizzie's growth; she's significantly smaller than her brother, Harry. Does anybody know of a good kitten growth chart? I really need to know if she's dropping curves. I mean, what if she has failure to thrive?! (I'm pretty sure she doesn't).
Okay, I obviously realize that there's a difference between cats and children. But I now more fully appreciate what parents are thinking or going through when they bring their child in for a Well Child Check or a Sick Visit or (heaven forbid) to the hospital. I understand the questions and concerns that they're feeling (or at least where those concerns are coming from).
I also understand that I'm officially a crazy cat lady.
Btw, I just googled "kitten growth chart" (which is a little embarrassing. Well, to be honest, this entire post is embarrassing) and found a website with milestones. According to that official source, which is "www.all-about-cute-kittens.com" (I'm not even kidding), by 12 weeks, neurological development reaches adult levels. If that's true, my cats might actually be delayed.
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