Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"And finally, some news about Lindsay Lohan."

I'm sitting in the Denver Airport waiting to board my flight to Baltimore ("Good Morning, Baltimore! You know you're singing it). There is a TV near my gate blaring news so loudly that you can't help but listen. I'm not sure what the news source is, since the TV is actually hidden behind a pillar or something, but it seems fairly respectable. They just covered a story about how Roland Burris was turned away from the Senate. And currently, they're discussing happenings in Gaza.

Amidst these super serious news pieces and tips about adjusting my investment portfolio, I hear "And finally, some news about Lindsay Lohan." Seriously?! YES! I love me some Lindsay Lohan news! And this news was so unexpected! I remember the days when my favorite ginger was completely out of control (the crazy DUI/rehab times) and my roommate and I were on "Lo-alert." The entertaining Lohan news just kept coming in... and it was so dramatic! At all times! Lately, there's been a dry spell, so my ears really perked up with this mention about Lindsay on what sounds like a major news source (seriously, though... I have no idea what I'm listening to. It could be the crappiest news source ever, but I really wouldn't know).

Sadly, the news was boring: Lindsay blogged that she and Samantha Ronson did not break up. LAME. How is that newsworthy? And the only news I would like to hear on this subject is that they DID break up. Boring and lame. And so random that this was mentioned among real news. For some reason, I was thinking that if the story was good enough to interrupt normal news, it must be something juicy.
The only good thing about this story is that it reminded me that I should be reading Lindsay's blog on a daily basis. As a fellow blogger, I should support her. Slash I love me some Lindsay Lohan.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad I missed this earlier, but thank you for posting a picture of LL's boobs. I miss them so much.......

    also did I tell you about my Fantasy Celebrity Team. I initially named the team Lindsey Lohan's Boobs since her boobs are big, amazing, intimidating and perfect (just like my team was supposed to be) and then I got the number one draft pick and took Lohan and crushed the competition by about 200 points! Amazing....more evidence that her boobs should be in my hands!
