Friday, January 23, 2009


It looks to me that a certain BB has really embraced her life as a San Franciscan.

Earlier this morning, she had this message in her gchat status, "BB wants this hella long week to be over!!!!" Umm, excuse me. Did she just say Hella?! I remember when I used to go to farm camp in NorCal (in the 90's) and everyone used to say "hella." As in, "Cow chore is hella cool." (I decided to use a farm camp example, to make it a little more realistic). And I also remember how everyone else would make fun of them for it. As V just added, "Hella is like the west coast version of Wicked." Both are pretty lame (but slip out occasionally).

In another hipster move, BB got bangs! Now, I don't have any pics to share (yet), but I'll post some as soon as I can.


  1. First of all, did you happen to remove a posting about the Manhiem?? you can't edit the blog post-blog!

    second please, was I actually using hella seriously, NO. suck it jackie! not to mention you seemed to really love it when I called you hella rad. way to change your stance.

    third. BANGS are NOT an indie thing thank you very much, I have third grade pictures to prove that.

    bailor bitch

  2. The Manheim post is still up under "Now Accepting Tips." It just didn't make it on the front page since I have SO MANY other posts.

    And okay, for the record, BB changed her gmail status to "Jackie is Hella Rad" and I thought that was pretty, well, rad.

  3. Some interesting facts:

    Bangs are an indie thing.
    Jackie went to farm camp.
