But anyway, that really had nothing to do with what I'm going to write about. What I would really like to focus on is this: My boss has gotten completely carried away with facebook. As in, he's obsessed with it. It's like he's always online... and so active and vocal about it! I remember the days when I used to play Scrabulous all day at work and he used to chide me. Now I'm the one who sees him online and sends him messages like "Focus!" and "Get back to work!"
Recently, things have progressed. The other day he came over and I thought he had something serious to discuss with me when he asked, "Do you know what Superpoking is?" And we had a conversation about superpoking etiquette.

Did you know that January 26th was Official Hug an Asian Person Day? I did. Because he sent us the event on facebook. At lab meeting the next day, he asked if we all hugged Asians on the big day. "Don't worry," he said. "February 9th is Official Hug a Caucasian Day." Oh thank goodness. I was worried that I wouldn't get a hug.

But my favorite thing was when he asked us if we knew about secret groups on facebook. And the sad thing is that we really didn't. Then he schooled us in the art of super secret grouping on facebook. Now we're all in super secret facebook group together. Not that anything great happens in this group. Or that we don't hang out with each other at work every day. But still. It's secret! It feels like a secret society! ("Secret society! Secret society!" You sing it, Selma Blair).
Old people on facebook is funny at first, but then it gets kind of creepy. For example, I thought it was amazing when my mom joined... until I noticed that she wrote on the event wall of "D's super ridonculous sweet 16+8 party." She wrote: "Sorry, I can't make it! But great choice of beers in that picture!" MAAAHM! Really?! And then earlier today from my boss: "I'm going to friend your mom." Enough.
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