But anyway, today we did the best thing ever. We went on a sunset whale watching dinner cruise. This activity combined so many things that I love: sunsets, Mexicans (and mexican food), cheesy music, pina coladas, and WHALES. I effing love whales. As in I'm obsessed with them and act like a 5 year old kid at the thought of seeing them. When I first saw the spout, I gasped dramatically and pointed. I then spent the next half hour hanging over the side of the boat pointing my camera and squealing with glee every time the whales surfaced. I almost missed dinner because of my obsession with the two humpback whales we were following. Even when we were in line for dinner, I kept glancing over the side to catch a glimpse of the whales along the side of the boat.
This was almost as good as Bear Watch 2007.
Also, Cabo smells like farts/sewer at night. It's kind of a mystery. Where does the smell come from? Why does it only come at night? So weird/gross.
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