Thursday, January 22, 2009


Tonight a few great things happened:

1) The Office. Every time I hear the opening music to the office I can't help but bounce up and down on the couch, humming the music and clapping my hands with a giant grin on my face. No exaggeration. And I watched last week's episode, too, so it was a double-header.

Great moments included the duel between Dwight and Andy: "Why isn't he turning around?" "The Prius is silent at under 5 MPH. Andy deserves the win." And the office-wide debate about Hilary Swank's hottness. I especially appreciated this debate because just last week I spent some time in the lab debating a similar question: Blake Lively's breasts. Are they real or not? Seriously, I vote for fake. Judge for yourselves.

2) Pistachio Chocolate. In an attempt to spend the last of my pesos in Mexico, I bought some pistachio chocolate at the airport. I hadn't had the chance to try it until tonight. Sure, the chocolate tasted great, but the real excitement came from opening the package. To keep the chocolate bar from breaking, a piece of cardboard was placed under the wrapper. Instead of acting like a normal person and simply removing the cardboard, I instantly thought of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and started dancing around my tiny kitchen singing, "I've got a Golden Ticket!" It really tickled me. As in I'm still kind of laughing about it. (But seriously, who doesn't think of finding a Golden Ticket when they open a chocolate bar?).

3) 30 Rock. This is possibly my new favorite show. Yeah, I know. It's been on for a while now - it's in its third season. So I'm a little late in my discovery. Whatever! This show is awesome. I downloaded 6 episodes to watch on my iPod nano on my trip to Cabo. I thought I would watch them on the plane, but I really ended up watching them in bed while my friends were still sleeping in... and I would end up laughing out loud! My friends thought I was crazy.

But anyway, the best part of the 30 Rock episode tonight was that there was a public health message in it!! WOOO PUBLIC HEALTH! Tracy Morgan's character goes to the doctor and finds out he is at risk for diabetes. And then Jack McBrayer (Kenneth) tries to convince him to eat healthier to reduce his risk. Love the health messages here. They were relevant, naturally placed, and still entertaining!

4) chatting. After a couple of weeks off, I finally made my way back onto I had a few emails to read and winks to check out (boy do I feel popular). I even did a couple of searches. I also had a fun facebook chat with a new friend from speed dating. Good times on the internet :)

5) Medical School. I got rejected from another medical school tonight. But who cares?! Not to be a gloater, but I got into Medical School (Drexel) on Sunday! WOOT! I'm going to be a doctor! Okay, enough of that. But seriously, I'm super happy. And to all of those schools who are rejecting me (it's been 3 this week), you can suck it! Because I'm already in!

Things that did not happen tonight: Yoga, lit review for my internship, reading my book Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, early to bed.

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